Vanishing Tunes: Ten percent of My Liked Songs Disappeared on Spotify

Just a rant on Spotify behaviour!

Vanishing Tunes: Ten percent of My Liked Songs Disappeared on Spotify
Photo by Fath / Unsplash

During Christmas 2024, I noticed that my Liked Songs list on the Spotify app contained 985 songs.

As the year turns to 2025, 10% of the songs on my list have disappeared. Now, my Liked Songs list contains only 900 tracks. This means that some songs and albums have been removed from Spotify.

If my guess is correct, then it might be because of license renewals.

The Spotify team might have thought, 'Let's not renew the license for this song or album,' and poof, the songs are gone.

I wouldn’t have minded if they had at least notified me about the songs that disappeared. What feels like cheating is Spotify silently removing these songs without prior notice or my consent. After all, Liked Songs list is managed by me β€”it is mine.

Spotify, why not handle it more gracefully next time?